On behalf of Providence Christian Church, we’d like to welcome you. We hope that browsing through our website helps you learn more about us, but the best way to get to know us is to visit us!
God’s Word is our foundation at PCC, and we strive to communicate the truth of Scripture through a steady diet of preaching and teaching. We subscribe to the London Baptist Confession of 1689 as a guide for our faith. Our teaching style is exegetical.
We also want to be known for our fellowship, that is, our relationships. We value the many opportunities we have to fellowship with one another. We enjoy ladies teas, men’s breakfasts, Life groups, and twice-monthly fellowship meals, plus special events.
We are a congregation of families, singles, widows—of babies to 80s—one family of God and we enjoy Sunday morning worship together. We have an area for little ones to take a break or have a diaper changed, but we encourage little ones to worship with us.
This is the most important aspect of our church. We are a non-denominational church that affirms the 1689 London Baptist Confession.
Find out what makes us unique as a church by taking a look at why we’re called Providence Christian Church, our purpose statement, and the foundation for everything we do as a church: the acronym CHRIST.
When visiting a church for the first time, there are understandably a million questions running through your head. We want to answer as many of those questions for you before you and your family even set foot through the door.